Seven Thousand Years of War, Apr 16 – May 15, 2005
Past: 55 Chrystie St
Installation view, Seven Thousand Years of War, Canada, 2005

Installation view, Seven Thousand Years of War, Canada, 2005

Installation view, Seven Thousand Years of War, Canada, 2005

Installation view, Seven Thousand Years of War, Canada, 2005


Sarah Braman,
Second Surrender,
60 × 48 × 60 inches (152.40 × 121.92 × 152.40 cm)
Plexiglass, wood, cardboard, mirror, acrylic paint

Phil Grauer,
25 ½ × 38 ½ inches (64.77 × 97.79 cm)
Press Release
This installation comes through a decade of close studio contact and friendship. Visit a sun rise over ground zero, the iceberg that sunk the Titanic and the perma frost of nuclear winter. Works by Aidas Bareikis, Sarah Braman, and Phil Grauer.