Lily Ludlow, Stephen Ellwood
New work, Mar 15 – Apr 20, 2003
Past: 55 Chrystie St
Installation view, New Work, Canada, New York, 2003

Installation view, New Work, Canada, New York, 2003

Installation view, New Work, Canada, New York, 2003

Press Release
Lily Ludlow is a part time artist and designer for Manhattan based couture clothing labels Imitation of Christ and Erickson Beaman. The rest of her time she spends painting and walking her dog.
Lily is currently painting on silk. Her show at CANADA sets forth drawings and paintings for your eyes, but you might see hers. A plea for beauty amidst the terrible. Romantic faces for a dark time.
Stephen Ellwood makes installations, sculpture, wall-works, artists’ books, video, and multiples. The works currently shown at CANADA are the elemental versions of other expanded works - drawings comprised of Öa typewritten string of words, or sometimes a single word. They act as propositions for moments akin to film stills. Shown together, the drawings weave fragments of various narratives together: travel and movement, amorous and hermetic activity, observations of the pastoral, and natural light, among others. Although shown as a fixed sequence, the drawings can be shuffled, or operate independently from one another.
Stephen Ellwood is a graduate of the Nova Scotia College of Art and
Design. In his time there and since, he has cultivated an intuition which is the legacy of text based conceptualism and story art. Early projects reveal utopian social experiments in deviant chic through carefully structured books and carefully selected imagery.