I Throw Herring to the Dog , Jun 24 – Jul 31, 2005
Past: 55 Chrystie St
Installation view, I Throw Herring to the Dog, Canada, New York, 2005

Installation view, I Throw Herring to the Dog, Canada, New York, 2005

Installation view, I Throw Herring to the Dog, Canada, New York, 2005


Patrick O’Leary,
Aurelio New York 1998,
16 × 20 in (40.64 × 50.8 cm)
Black and white photograph

Emily Sundblad,
60 × 54 in (152.4 × 137.16 cm)
Mixed media

Agathe Snow,
Mother Complex,
84 × 42 × 84 in (213.36 × 106.68 × 213.36 cm)
Mixed media
Press Release
red herring:
This fallacy is committed when irrelevant material is introduced to the issue being discussed, so that everyone's attention is diverted away from the point being made, toward a different conclusion.
an implement or part of machinery; a catch, detent, or pawl
the hammer of a firearm
a fellow: familiar or contemptuous
It is the intention of the show to represent emotion. To throw a diversion to the comfort of irony while remaining open to emotions without veils. Whether it's to represent sorrow, elation, or the point of inertia which renders one neither - it is there.
Emotion without fear is a friend of ours. The harmonics of stupidity and freedom fly high once again. This time the gallery welcomes Lillian Ludlow and Marcella Mullins and their contemporaries. I Throw Herring to the Dog brings 13 artist of various backgrounds to a summer show of painting, drawing, sculpture and tapestry.