In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb, Mar 14 – Apr 18, 2004

Past: 55 Chrystie St

Installation view, In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb, Canada, New York, 2004

Press Release

CANADA presents Anke Weyer’s collection of new paintings. For her third show at CANADA, she will exhibit seven new large boldly abstract paintings. They feature landscapes and animals. Weyer's underpainting is made up of washes of high chroma, un-natural color glows and peeks from behind sometimes sludgy, sometimes lacy surface drawings which suggest forests, wildcats, the jungle and mountain ranges.

In the painting which Weyer refers to as the ‘slushy mountain painting’ (Snow Bomb), brown smeary trees or cones or bombs mix with appealing colors: turquoise, pink, red, and yellow under dark blue night sky. A torso in a mountain dissolves into the brown strokes, smears and blotches.

The expressionist gestures mark the presence of a body, her body, or an animal she wishes she was. Without hierarchy, brown marks are animal waste, tree, tiger, bones, drawing, distraction. Room between colors creates space for ideas, feelings, and sensations that are not existing, named or phrased.

“It is very important to express unfiltered, directly uncoded me + now + here, but: mad nature, torn, destroyed, kaputt.” A. Weyer

For his third show at CANADA, Aaron Brewer creates work put together from the contents of his sculpture storage lockers in the wooded suburbia of his childhood home.Disowned findings from the backyard, home, garage and dumpster come together to form a kind of petrified compost of personal refuse which, in this body of work, are meant as homages to a dead brother he never knew.

“My brother died when he was three. I never met him. My mother was around 6 months pregnant with me. His birthday is in April, he was an Aries. My first true love and oldest friend were born on the same date, but not the same year.

These are three sculptures for him. They might be crushes or loves or missing or fights or birthdays or friendships, how we felt about our mother and father and our sister, or the owls our dad liked, the wishnicks my our sister liked, or the three monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, that my mother liked (my dad bought them for her on their honeymoon in mexico city 42 years ago).” A. Brewer