Robert Janitz
Robert Janitz’ (b. 1962, Alsfeld, Germany) begins with grounds of gradient color on stretched linen, which are then covered in strokes of semi-transparent paint whipped with flour.
The contrasting opacities and transparencies of his marks create fissures of light. Janitz asks fundamental questions, such as what is a brush, paint, or even a surface; and how, via his hand, these tools and materials can generate a mark. He handles paint bluntly: the broad strokes are direct and unadorned. Janitz carefully considers and builds the different pictorial planes of each painting, contemplating the two-dimensional work and its ability to create three-dimensional illusion— how color and shadow operate with and against each other.

Artist: Studio
"Painting becomes time travel in a way. The painting surface is a membrane that goes between two spaces—a membrane between inner and outer world. As an anchor in space, there is no need for an observer or an audience. The idea of yourself disappears, it folds together. It’s like time and space travel."

Robert Janitz,
Paso Doble,
54 × 42 in (137.16 × 106.68 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
All this I am and want to be:,
54 × 42 in (137.16 × 106.68 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
The Cup 3,
25 × 20 in (63.5 × 50.8 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
The Thing (uptown),
54 × 42 in (137.16 × 106.68 cm)
Oil, wax and flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
Vanity Fair,
77 × 60 in (195.58 × 152.4 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
Space Age as it is,
25 × 20 in (63.5 × 50.8 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
The Compleat Works of Rabelais,
54 × 42 in (137.16 × 106.68 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
Social Furniture,
54 × 42 in (137.16 × 106.68 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen

Robert Janitz,
Earth has become Ether,
25 × 20 in (63.5 × 50.8 cm)
Oil, wax, flour on linen
Installation Views
Installation view, Popocatépetl (Love is in the Air), Casa Siza, Mexico, 2024

Installation view, Robert Janitz at Anahuancalli, Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico, 2022

Installation view, Robert Janitz at Anahuancalli, Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico, 2022

Installation view, Library of a Dream, CANADA, New York, 2022

Installation view, Best of All Worlds, Casa Gilardi, Mexico, 2021

Installation view, Best of All Worlds, Casa Gilardi, Mexico, 2021

Installation view, College Robert Janitz, CANADA, New York, 2018



Anahuacalli, Robert Janitz, 2023
Robert Janitz
Anahuacalli, 2023

Best of All Worlds, Robert Janitz, 2022
Robert Janitz
Best of All Worlds, 2022

Made in New York 2020-2010, Robert Janitz, 2020
Robert Janitz
Made in New York 2020-2010, 2020

Ex Libris, Robert Janitz, 2014
Robert Janitz
Ex Libris, 2014
Marcus Boxler, "Fake It Till You Make It", Apropos, 2024
Alissa Bennett, "Past, Present, Future", NUMERO BERLIN FUTURISM, December 2023
Suzanne Hudson "Robert Janitz: Robert Janitz at the Anahuacalli." The Brooklyn Rail October 2022
Sharon Butler "Robert Janitz: Reverie over reality." Two Coats of Paint January 16, 2022
Eser Coban "Robert Janitz: The Dandy Painter." Collecteurs December 2021
"Summer / Issue 1, An Honest Performance." balcony June 1, 2021 36-63
Eduardo Egea "Postmodernity vs Innovation." Crónica May 14, 2021
Eduardo Mora "Market and Significance." Crónica March 20, 2021
"Robert Janitz at Meyer Reigger Berlin." Blouin ArtInfo July 17, 2017
Hetti Judah "Figurative Geometry, Collezione Maramotti, Regio Emilia." ArtReview January 1, 2017
Suzanne Hudson "Robert Janitz." Artforum December 2015
"Robert Janitz." The New Yorker 2014
Karen Rosenberg "Old Black." The New York Times July 11, 2013
Robert Janitz
b. 1962, Alsfeld, Germany
Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico and New York, NY
Selected Solo Exhibitions
How I Learned to Love the AA, Heilig Geist Kunsthalle, Essen, Germany (forthcoming)
Popocatépetl (Love is in the Air), Casa Siza, Mexico City, Mexico
Espionage, Nuno Centeno, Porto, Portugal
Sphinx, König Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Robert Janitz, White Lies, Kunst im Foyer, The Berliner Ensemble Neues Haus, Berlin, Germany
La Poste Pneumatique de Paris, Ruttkowski;68, Paris, France
Carmina Burrata, San Carlo Cremona, Cremona, Italy
Robert Janitz en el Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City, Mexico
Eleven Studies of Everything, KÖNIG Galerie, Seoul, South Korea
El Secreto Del Mundo, Saenger Galería, Mexico City, Mexico
Library of a Dream, CANADA, New York, NY
The Labyrinth, Sevil Dolmaci, Istanbul, Turkey
Best of All Worlds, Casa Gilardi, Mexico City, Mexico
Manierismo y Libertad, The National Exemplar, Iowa City, IA
<3 is a Typo, KÖNIG Galerie, Berlin, KÖNIG Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Change in Paradise, König Galerie, London, England
College Robert Janitz, CANADA, New York, NY
Uptown Campus, Anton Kern, New York, NY
Robert Janitz? Lennart Constant?, Root Canal, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Erst mit diesem Lack wird Unerhörtes richtig spannend, Meyer Riegger, Berlin, Germany
Hypothetical Types of Biochemistry, Team Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Kerckhoffs' Principle, Team Gallery, New York, NY
Nicht üben, machen!, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany
Oriental Lumber, Meyer Riegger, Berlin, Germany
Stick Shift Heaven, Team Gallery, New York, NY
Le Tra Verseur De La Tlan Tic!, Galerie Sobering, Paris, France
How I Learned To Love The F, Shoot The Lobster, New York, NY
CLEARING, A Shoe That Fits Various Feet, Brussels, Belgium
Art Dans Les Chapelles, Bretagne, France
PARCOURS, L’H du Siège, Valenciennes, France
Faire Trace, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris, France
Espace d’Art Contemporain, Atelier Blanc, Villefranche sur Rouergue, France
Maison Art Contemporain Chailloux, Paris, France
DRIVE BY PAINTING, Leroy Merlin, Paris, France
NOLENS VOLENS PINXIT RJ, Moments Artistiques, Paris, France
Galerie La Girafe, Berlin, Germany
Le 10-neuf, Centre Regional Art Contemporain, Montbéliard, France
AS220, Providence, RI
Galerie du Haut-Pavé, Paris, France
Huiles sur toile, Galerie Valleix, Paris, France
Selected Group Exhibitions
Golden Hour, Sevil Dolmacı Gallery at Ruins Yalıkavak, Ruins Hotel, Bodrum, Turkey
Places and Events, König Galerie, Berlin, Germany
APMA, Chapter Four - From The APMA Collection, Amorepacific Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Mixed Pickles 12, Ruttkowski;68, New York, NY
Peppi Bottrop/Robert Janitz, Marc LeBlanc Gallery, Chicago, IL
Cerámica Suro: A History of Collaboration, Production and Collecting, Museo de Arte Zapopan, Guadalajara, Mexico
Units, curated by Christian Camacho, PEANA, Monterrey, Mexico
Spirito Andante, curated by Alex Chicle, Archive Collective, Mexico City, Mexico
Dorian Gaudin / Robert Janitz, Galerie Pact, Paris, France
Gazing into the void, Bjorn & Gundorph, Arhaus, Denmark
Frozen Gesture, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
And Then There Were None, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany
Ear Putty, curated by Esme Thompson-Turcotte, Henry 56, New York, NY
A Show Yet to be Titled, curated by Lucie Fontaine, 83 Pitt Street Project, New York, NY
What’s Up 2.0, curated by Lawrence van Hagen, New York, NY
Neither, curated by Fernanda Brenner, Mendes Wood DM, Brussels, Belgium
Implosion 20, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Figurative Geometry, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Toute première fois, 22 Visconti, Paris, France
My Abstract World, me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany
Rebranding floes, Galerie Jerome Pauchant, Paris, France
"Hermann tritt schüchtern herein", Meyer Riegger, Berlin, Germany
I AM SITTING IN A ROOM, Jack Chiles, New York, NY
Per Risplendere devi bruciare, Va-Va, Milan, Italy
The Painter of Modern Life, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Salon der gegenwart, Hamburg, Germany
Salón de arte contemporáneo 2015, Palacete Sousa, Barranco, Lima, Peru
Lisson Gallery, London, England
En-trée, curated by Christopher Green, Middlemarch, Brussels, Belgium
No Ground But Say Ground. Halsey/McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
LAT. 41' 7" N. / LONG. 72' 19" W., organized by Bob Nickas, Martos Gallery, East Marion, NY
Old Black, organized by Todd von Ammon, Team Gallery, New York, NY
Let It Come Down, curated by Anton Zolotov, Hannah Barry Gallery, London, England
NADA Art Fair, Martos Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Informal Abstraction, Art Amalgamated, New York, NY
Holiday Shop, curated by Olivia Shao, New York, NY
No Show*, curated by Joao Simoes, Temp, New York, NY
Le Geste et la Couleur, curated by Philippe Cyroulnik, École d’Art Gerard Jacot, Belfort, France
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - New Works from Berlin, curated by Vita Zaman, Magazzino d'Arte
Moderna, Rome, Italy
CLEARING, To Follow, New York, NY
En Regards, Centre d’Art Domaine de Kerguehennec, Bignan, France
Royal Rumble, Miami, FL
Tax Day News & Smoke, Emily Harvey Foundation, New York, NY
Tranches de savoir, French Cultural Services, Payne White House, New York, NY
Winter Break, Momenta Art, Brooklyn, NY
Centro Cultural Borges, curated by Philippe Cyroulnik, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exposition 5–31 Janvier 2009, curated by Jean-Charles Agboton-Jumeau, Ecole Supérieure Des Beaux Arts, Cherbourg, France
Cloud Cuckoo Land, Momenta Art, Brooklyn, NY
Rencontres Internationales, Paris, France (travelled to Berlin, Germany; Madrid, Spain)
Colors, Stephen Haller Gallery, New York, NY
Regards Croisés, curated by Philippe Cyroulnik, Galerie Pascal Gabert, Paris, France
Gread, Envy, Fear, curated by Linda Mussmann, TSL Gallery, Hudson, NY
Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY
Chantier Zen, TEMS-TV, Le Djurdjura, Paris, France
Galerie Nanky de Vreeze, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Sparkling Bag, Galerie Valleix, Paris, France
Austerlitz-Autrement, Galerie Valleix, Paris, France
ART Basel, Galerie Valleix, Basel, Switzerlan